
Culture of Qormi

eorge archpriest, there is the Kumitat Festi Esterni (AD 1919). This committee is responsible of a large number of activities, which raise funds fo the organization of the local festa. It is the first committee of the sort in Malta.

Band clubs

Pinto Philharmonic Society, St. Sebastian Band (Is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Pinto, Banda San Sebastjan)—founded in 1862, apart from being the first band club in Qormi it is also one of the earliest Maltese band clubs, originally in the Saint George parish but later moved to the Saint Sebastian parish due to the parish limits

Anici Band & Social Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali u Soċjali Aniċi)—founded in 1988 in the Saint George parish.


Qormi has two community radio stations. "Bastjaniżi FM", broadcasts on 95FM 24hrs a day. The website of Bastjanizi FM features live streaming. This community radio was founded by the four active feast organisations of St. Sebastian—St. Sebastian Firework factory, Ghaqda Armar, Kummisjoni Zghazagh bastjanizi and St. Sebastian Band. "Leħen il-Belt Ġorġjana" is broadcasting on 105.6fm, and opened in April 2008. It brought together all the committees which work in St George's Parish. *The only newspaper is a quarterly issue by the Local Council named "Id-Dielja" (The Grapevine), referring to the concentration of vineyards in the old
