
About Dwejra

sites. Although illegal, the Azure Window is a popular cliff-diving or tomb stoning spot. Many videos on YouTube feature people leaping from the middle, and side of the arch.

The arch of the Azure Window is disintegrating, as large pieces of rock keep falling from the arch. It is expected that the arch will completely disappear within just a few years. The arch is in a dangerous condition and warning notices are placed to stop people walking over the top of the arch. Evidence of this can be seen when the images of the Azure Window as shown in Clash of the Titans (1981) are compared to the more recent images shown in The Odyssey (1997) and The Count of Monte Cristo (2002). The former images depict the Azure Window arch with a flat underside, whereas the latter images clearly show that a significant proportion the flat underside has since broken away. In April 2012 a large piece of rock was dislocated and made the window larger, more unstable and losing its almost perfect oblong shape. Once the arch has completely crumbled away, the Azure Window shall be renamed Azure Pinnacle
