
Travel to Palanga

inga also can be used as a base to stay overnight with an easy feasibility to do one-day trips to the resort.

EU/EEA ISIC student discount is also applicable.


Taxi is available in front of Airport Terminal. A trip to Palanga city takes 10 min and costs about 20-40 LTL (6 EUR-12 EUR) or to KlaipÄ—da takes about 30 min. price about 50 LTL (~15 EUR). A trip from/to Liepaja (Latvia) takes about 1 hour 20 min. and costs about 200 LTL (60 EUR).


A 310 km four lane motorway connects KlaipÄ—da and Palanga on the shore of the Baltic sea, and connects Kaunas, as well as Vilnius in the eastern part of the country.

From 15 May to 15 September, only paid parking is allowed in the city centre throughout the city and costs 2-3 LTL per hour. Hotels and guesthouses may have their own parking lots.

Only places with free parking in the city centre are on Biliuno and Zemaites streets
