the USA, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, and Russia. Head offices of several
major International and Lithuanian companies are located in Kaunas, including
"Kraft Foods Lietuva", largest Generic Pharmaceuticals producer in
Lithuania "Sanitas group", producer of sportswear AB "Audimas",
one of the largest construction companies "YIT Kausta", JSC
"Senukai", largest producer in Lithuania of strong alcoholic drinks
JSC "Stumbras", Finnish capital brewery JSC "Ragutis", JSC
"Fazer Gardesis", JSC "Stora Enso Packaging"",
producer of pharmaceuticals, and the only producer of homeopathic medicines in
Lithuania JSC "Aconitum". Due to its geographic location, Kaunas is
considered one of the biggest logistics centres in Lithuania. The largest
wholesale, distribution and logistics company in Lithuania and Latvia JSC
"Sanitex", as well as a subsidiary of material handling and logistics
company Dematic in the Baltics have been operated in Kaunas. Currently, the
feasibility study for Kaunas Public Logistics Centre is being prepared by the
national state-owned railway company Lithuanian Railways. The “Margasmiltė“
company currently has been working on a project that concerns exploitation of
Pagiriai anhydrite deposit. The project includes mining of anhydrite, a mine
with underground warehouses, building the overground transport terminal, as
well as an administrative building. The Pagiriai anhydrite deposit is located
10.5 km (6.5 mi) south from the downtown of Kaunas, at a 2.2 km
(1.4 mi) distance to the southwest from the Garliava town. The resources
of thoroughly explored anhydrite in the Pagiriai deposit amount to 81.5 million
The "UBIG group" (a branch of commercial
Ūkio bank) is a management company of diversified holdings that operates in the
property development, banking, aluminium, mining, logistics, textiles, sports,
financial intermediary, and other sectors. The Lithuanian