Modena is a town of the Emilia-Romagna Region, in the middle of Italy.
By plane
The nearest airport is “Guglielmo Marconi” of Bologna, which is about 6 km from Bologna train station and 40 km from Modena. The airport can be reached:
• by motorway A1 Milano – Bologna;
• by train along the Modena – Bologna line, which provides frequent links;
• by a shuttle service offered by ATCM (the transport company of Modena: from 5.15 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. from Modena to the airport and from 6.15 a.m. till 10.30 p.m. from the airport to Modena).
The fare is € 15,00 per person. Tickets can be bought on bus. Baggage is free and minors accompanied by at least two relatives travel free of charge. (phone 800111101 for further information).
Airport Guglielmo Marconi Via Triumvirato n. 84 - 40132 BOLOGNA Information: 051/6479615 from 5.00 a.m. till 12 p.m.
By train
Modena is on the train lines (Milano-) Piacenza-Parma-Modena-Bologna and Verona-Mantua-Modena, so it can easily be reached from the main nearest towns. The train station is not far from the town centre, so that you can go there on foot, if you like; otherwise, at the station you’ll find a number of buses of ATCM (the local transport company), by which you can reach the main areas of the town or the locations in the surroundings.
Railway station of Modena – Trenitalia Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Piazza Dante, 14 – Modena National Call center Trenitalia (train schedules and booking service) 892021 (on payment), every day 24 hours a day
For assistance to the disabled phone 199 303060 (on payment) Window for national and international railway tickets Hours: Monday through Sunday, 6.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. Self service ticket machines are available. There's no left-luggage office.