decoration: underline;">Struggle for a railway factory
Kalahandi and Nuapada districts has higher number of migrant workers to other states. Agriculture alone is not enough for employment generation for this region and needs industrial development. Local demands for a railway facotry is pending since last one and half decade. In the budget 2010-10 Indian railway has proposed a Wagon factory to be established in Bhubaneswar or Kalahandi. Langigarh- Bhawanipatana section of Lanjigarh road - Junagarh railway line was completed in the year Dec, 2011. Passenger Service in this new railway line yet to be started. The surveyed railway line, Kantabanji (Balangir) -Jeypore (Koraput) via Nuapada, Kalahandi and Nabarangpur districts, needs approval, funding and immediate immplementation