the Rural District Administration Pforzheim.
1819: Municipal District Pforzheim and Rural District Pforzheim are merged to form the Higher District Administration Pforzheim.
1836: Ferdinand �chsle in Pforzheim invented a device for measuring the sugar content in freshly pressed grape juice for assessing the future quality of wine (Mostwaage). It is still in use in the winery business.
1861/62: Pforzheim was connected to the German railway network with the completion of a section of the Karlsruhe�M�hlacker line between Wilferdingen and Pforzheim.
1863: The railway section between Pforzheim and M�hlacker was completed, thus establishing railway traffic between the capital of Baden, Karlsruhe, and the capital of W�rttemberg, Stuttgart.
1864: The Higher District Administration Pforzheim was made the Regional Administration Pforzheim.
1868: The Enz Valley Railway between Pforzheim and Wildbad was completed.
1869: Establishment of the first worker's union in Pforzheim, the "Pforzheim Gold(-metal) Craftsmen's Union".
1874: The section of the Nagold Valley Railway between Pforzheim and Calw was completed.
1877: Inauguration of the Arts and Crafts School (Kunstgewerbeschule; now incorporated into Hochschule (University) Pforzheim).
1888: Bertha Benz and her two sons arrived in Pforzheim on the first "long-distance" drive in the history of the automobile in a car manufactured by her husband Carl Benz in order to visit relatives. She had started her drive in Mannheim, which is located about 106 km (more than sixty miles) from Pforzheim. The very first gasoline-powered, automobile with an internal combustion engine of the inventor had hit the roads only two years earlier after a patent for this new technology had been granted to Karl Benz on January 29, 1886. She bought the gasoline necessary for her trip back home in a "pharmacy" in Pforzheim. During the trip Bertha Benz had to make repairs with a hairpin