ting in August 2012
The daily newspapers Pforzheimer Zeitung, independent) and the Pforzheimer Kurier, which is a regional edition of Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN) with main editorial offices in Karlsruhe, are published in Pforzheim.
Pforzheim is the site of a Local Court of Justice which belongs to the District Court and Higher District Court Precinct of Karlsruhe. It is also the domicile of a Local Labor Court.
Pforzheim is the domicile of the following public authorities and public incorporated bodies:
� Pforzheim Employment Exchange (a federal government agency; Arbeitsagentur Pforzheim).
� Pforzheim Internal Revenue Agency (a state agency; Finanzamt Pforzheim)
� Northern Black Forest Chamber of Commerce (a public incorporated body; IHK Nordschwarzwald). The precinct of the chamber is the Northern Black Forest Region.
� Northern Black Forest Regional Association (a public incorporated body; Regionalverband Nordschwarzwald)