around the office building. Also the "Tuckesburg", the strange looking house of the zoo-founder, is still intact.
� "Cavete", the oldest academic pub in M�nster
� Haus R�schhaus (1743�49), a country estate situated in Nienberge, built by Johann Conrad Schlaun for himself
� Stadthaus (1773)
� Erbdrostenhof (1749�53), a Baroque palace, also built by Schlaun
� Clemenskirche (1745�53), a Baroque church, also built by Schlaun
� Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History
� University bible museum
� City Museum ("Stadtmuseum"), exhibition of a large collection showing the political and cultural history of the city from its beginning up to present, housed by a converted former department store
� University Mineralogical Museum
� Westphalian Horse Museum ("Hippomax")
� M�hlenhof open-air museum, depicting a typical Westphalian village as it looked centuries ago
� Westphalian Museum for Natural History, state museum and planetarium
� West Prussian State Museum ("Drostenhof Wolbeck")
� Museum of Lacquer Art (founded and operated by the company BASF Coatings)
� Pablo Picasso Museum of Graphic Art, the only museum devoted exclusively to the graphic works of Pablo Picasso
� Pinkus M�ller the only brewery left in M�nster of original more than 150.
The city is host to Preu�en M�nster which was created on 30 April 1906. The main section is football and the team plays at Preu�enstadion