hel-Streiber in 1879 and constructed to the design of the Leipzig architect Karl Weichardt. It was later renovated in 1993. This theatre holds an audience of 600 and has two balconies. The theatre has a full schedule of plays, concerts, operas, and ballets.
Built in 1902, the monument stands on a hill opposite the Wartburg Castle in memory of the members of the student movement and others who were killed in the struggle for a united Germany between 1864 to 1871. The monument, that reaches a height of 33 meters and proclaims "Honour, Freedom, and Fatherland," was dedicated on May 22, 1902 and was extended in 1933 to honour those who fell in World War I. Since unification, fraternities continue to meet in Eisenach in memory of the demonstrations held at the Wartburg Castle.
Reconstructed in 1904 in a massive Wilhelminian Gr�nderzeit style, it has remarkable stained glass windows. At the street side the window depicts the history of the watch-making industries in the vicinity of Eisenach and on the rail side the automobile manufacturing traditions of Eisenach