� Old Palace and castle chapel of Our Dear Lady (Altes Schloss)
� Victory Tower (Siegesturm)
� Spital Church (Spitalkirche)
� Church of the Holy Spirit (Stadtkirche Heilig Dreifaltigkeit)
� Stift church (Stiftskirche)
� Birken Castle
� The Goldener Anker hotel
� Baroque parks:
o Hermitage Park, former seat of the margraves, outside the inner town
o Castle and park of Fantaisie, in Eckersdorf (vicinity of Bayreuth. 7 km (4 mi) west)
o Sanspareil Park, about 30 km west of Bayreuth
� University Botanical Gardens
In the town centre is the Court Garden (Hofgarten) of the New Palace. Near the Festival Hall is the Festival Park. On the southern edge of the town lie the Botanical Gardens of the University of Bayreuth. On the K�nigsallee, east of the town centre, is the relatively small Miedel Garden.
The best known park in Bayreuth is that of the 'Eremitage' (Hermitage) in the district of St. Johannis. With a total area of almost 50 hectares it is the largest park in Bayreuth.
Bayreuth has been chosen to host the Bavarian Country Garden Show in 2016. For this reason another park is planned on the Main water meadows between the Volksfestplatz and A 9 motorway.
The oldest surviving cemetery is the Town Cemetery (Stadtfriedhof) with a large number of gravestones of famous people. On the southern edge of the town is the Southern Cemetery (S�dfriedhof) and crematorium. The districts of St. Johannis and St. Georgen have their own cemeteries. On N�rnberger Stra�e, in the east of the town, is an Israeli cemetery.
Over 60 clubs offer just under one hundreds sports. The most successful club in the town is the street hockey team, Hurricans