
Culture of Bacharach

Timber-frame houses, which can be found throughout the town. A whole row of them borders Bacharach along with the town wall along the Rhine.

Altes Haus (�Old House�), mediaeval timber-frame house from 1368

Haus Utsch from 1585; in its time, Friedrich Wilhelm Utsch, the J�ger aus Kurpfalz (�Hunter from the Electorate of the Palatinate� � a character in a well known song) lived there.

Electorate of the Palatinate Amt wine cellar

Former Electorate of the Palatinate mint

Saint Peter�s Evangelical Church

Ruin of the Gothic Wernerkapelle

Town wall ringing Bacharach, parts of which may be visited

Diebesturm (�Thief�s Tower�, remnants), Zehnt-turm (�Tithe Tower�), Spitzenturm (�Pointed Tower�, remnants), Postenturm (�Post Tower�), Holztor (�Wooden Gate�, also called Steeger Tor), Liebesturm (�Love Tower�), Halbturm (�Half Tower�, remnants), K�hlbergturm (�K�hlberg Tower�, remnants), Sonnenturm (�Sun Tower�, remnants), Hutturm (�Hat Tower�), Zollturm (no longer existing), Kranentor, Markttor (�Market Gate�), M�nztor (�Mint Gate�), Winandturm (�Winand�s Tower�). The town fortifications are among the best preserved in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Island in the Rhine, the Bacharacher Werth.

(Burg Stahleck)

Remnants of a Roman road up from Stahleck Castle

Stahlberg Castle (Burg Stahlberg) above Bacharach-Steeg

Bl�cher monument stone at the Rhine ferry

Heinrich Heine: Der Rabbi von Bacherach [sic] 1840. Text at: [1], also a further 2 of Heine�s poems on the heritage theme

dsb., Gedicht "Ich wei� nicht, was soll es bedeuten..." [2] also a list of all together 9 musical versions of the Heine poem

Clemens Brentano: Loreley-Gedicht: �Zu Bacharach am Rheine ��

Gerd Hergen L�bben: �DER TEXTFUND ZU BACHERACH [VORSATZ / �VOM HEILIGEN WERNER UND POGROM IN BACHERACH AM RHEIN� / NACHKLANG]�. In: DIE BR�CKE � Forum for antiracist politics and culture, Heft 140, 2/2006