Bus 19 also takes you to the University of Oulu .
Oulu is on the railway main line between Helsinki and Rovaniemi. The fastest Pendolino trains complete the journey from Oulu to Helsinki in about 6 hours (€72), while direct sleepers take around 9 hours (€64 plus optional sleeper at €12-€31 per bed). The newest type of sleeper train carriages have a shower and a toilet in each 2-person cabin.
Trip duration from Helsinki varies between 9½ and 15 hours and costs around €70-80.
Omnibus offers low-cost long distance coach lines to Oulu from different cities of Finland.
Public transportation is operated by Koskilinjat. Single ticket (kertalippu) in the city of Oulu costs €3.10 (€1.60 for children ages 4-11). Between 23:00-04:00 a single ticket costs €6.20. A single ticket allows one transfer within 60 minutes. A 24-hour ticket (matkailijalippu) allows unlimited use of the buses for the 24-hour period for €14.40 (€7.20 for children). To plan your route in the city, try Linjakas. It gives you the most convenient route to where you want to go, including walks to/from bus stops, which bus lines to use and where to switch buses. Bus drivers generally do not speak English, so plan your trip beforehand.
To get a good look around Oulu, with English commentary, try Potnapekka. Half train, half bus, it operates during summer months (June to August) on two routes, via Nallikari or Hupisaaret, through roads for light traffic. Both routes leave from the stone ball at Rotuaari (at the center of Oulu) and the journey lasts about one hour. You can hop off and in on the way.
Oulu is renowned for its good bicycle routes, which get you around the city easily and safely, even through the cold winter. To rent a bicycle try Pyörä-Suvala, Lekatie 27. If you're staying at Nallikari Camping, Leiritie 10, they also have bikes to rent