Dr. Pablo Emilio Benavides Lara, Son of Yaguará and JD, in his book, says that Captain Francisco Gómez Quintero were delivered by Governor Don Diego de Ospina and Medinilla, the thirteen (13) March 1623 (1.623), as certified in the city of Neiva conception, four placements of cattle and two-subsistence, which could be measured with boundaries as follows: "from the mouth of the said river called the Sierra de Los peñoles by low Flint Gulch in this part of the narrows where it exits the said river to the plain from vegas and said Desemboque and reeds which are within the limit of six stays for the growth of this city and the populate within eight months. "(taken verbatim), but it was not possible to populate as Captain Francisco Gómez Quintero was sent to pacify the uprisings presented in lands tamas Indians and other nations around them, which perishes at the hands of these natives along with seven of his soldiers.
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