miles around
came to recatear site to sell and buy products from the region. " Each
month the Pastor Relief or "Secatura" (Coadjutor), celebrating Mass
and administering the other sacraments.
In 1729 there were 1,735 planned streets and the area of the square was
surrounded by houses with clay tile and huts.
By the year 1741, Mr. Valle arrives at San Joseph, Don Juan de Mier and Tehran,
Spanish citizen who own large and numerous farms and farmsteads in its coffers
since had plenty of golden fleece is made. Since coming to this country
embraced the idea of being able to wean this site Parish Relief and to
achieve their goal he donated lots for those wishing to build house, while
presented and built tile house for the Cure, the Cabildo and Jail, and built between
1748 and 1760, which provided a Chapel of all goods and victuals of great value
for the amount of gold they possessed.
By the year 1762 the Valle de San José, then Lord St. Joseph Valley, belonged
to the congregation of the Parish of Socorro, and jurisdiction of the town of
Santa Cruz de San Gil.
Approval as the Valley Parish, was granted by the Archbishop Don José Javier de
Arauz on 15 February 1764, being Viceroy Pedro Messia de la Cerda.
February 28 of 1764 the Doctor Tordesillas, as delegate of the Apostolic See,
and Ecclesiastical Parish erected on the site of the Lord benefit St. Joseph
separating it from Relief to serve him by the priest who should be appointed
according to the rules of the Royal Patronage, split boundary being the river.
After twelve years of parish life, is declared a municipality in the year 1776,
by provisions of the Royal Court and submitted to the Municipal Regime
oligarchic character which did not always match the particular interests of the
rulers with the generals of the neighbors, who were his representatives.