upstream to reach the hill of Castillejo and hence
taking the boundaries of Icabuco and prawns until the first boundary of the
limits and demarcation signage is made of the said Parish and within it the neighborhood sufficient for
maintenance of the priest, fraternities, church and other things necessary,
gouaches and firewood and any comfort to the faithful with what my commission
is made in conformity to
me and stated for the record of diligence signed by notary before this.
"Parish was called Our Lady of the Úmbita Chiquinquirá and was appointed
as the first priest in 1778 Hermenegildo Vanegas., June 7th 1780, the mayor of
Chief Justice of Tunja, appointed as mayor Hermenegildo pedáneo Bernal. The
second Mayor Vicente Valero was named in 1783 before the arrival of the
Spanish, existed in what is now the territory of intense activity Úmbita
Muiscas to be a big village in Icabuco commanding a Cacique (Castellanos 1601)
to which would be subject to the casicazgos Chiriví and Tibana and another in
what is now the town of Umbita called Gacha. According to the National
Archives of Colombia (ANC, VisBoy 7, f, 617 ff) and Icabuco produced hayo Gacha
(coca) and cotton. Vestiges of Muiscas of Icabuco, because in the village
there is a Nine Stacks sandstone, observed by Roberto Lleras (1986) in which
nine carved circular holes whose depth varies between 14 and 27 cm and a
diameter between 17 and 19 cms.Some researchers suggest that it was used as an
astronomical observatory near Nine In Batteries tombs have been excavated
containing Muisca ceramics.
's book Presence of Boyacá, (1953) says that Umbita is a small population