favored by the lush vegetation of the surroundings, the temperature
averages 27 degrees Celsius. This healthy environment Turbaco took great
characters of history as Simon Bolivar, The Viceroy Caballero y Góngora
Humboldt and Mexican dictator Santa Ana López, among other characters The
Yurbacos were located in the hills, in what is now Turbaco had their own
church, made of stone, wood and tiles very decent and reported by the
illustrious bishop of Cartagena Don Diego de Peredo. This tribe was located on
the Atlantic coast and river sides belonged to the family of the caribbean
Indians, which had customs and knowledge acquired with nature. The tribe was
divided by gender for purposes of job duties, such as the man was engaged in
hunting and women gathering fruits, honey and edible insects. To defend their
enemies utensils manufactured stones, also used in hunting and skinning animals
from bones and despresarlos. Fire was used to prepare the grilled or smoked
foods, also invented the clay pots cooked or ceramics, the tribes had a
counselor or leader they called "principal chief", then came the
minor chiefs, warriors, shamans, traders and common people