By 1700, Manuel Quilo Cycles and was the principal chief of Toribio and its jurisdiction extended to Tacueyó, Palo across the river, and the people of San Francisco.
On April 1701, the king gave the titles of these lands to the cacique, because of a request that it had done a year earlier. The cacique request contained the following points:
That land usufruct far not enough to support the large population that contained these peoples.
That the land belonged to their ancestors.
That urgent legalization of these premises must occur before his death, which is very close.
According to historical literature Tacueyó, was founded on the left bank of the river Palo. Its name comes from the word Páez, "Cuetayuc" meaning stone weeps for an old fountain in the main square and it seems stems from a stone. It is believed that this town was founded by Chief Coyaima, but the memorial in other pages of this female figure, it appears that the Priest Lucas Rojas and Velasco founded Toribio, Tacueyó San Francisco and Candelaria in the first half of the eighteenth century .
These foundations were carried out, making a law practice of the Spanish crown in 1512, which was ordered to reduce the Indians in villages in order to facilitate the collection of taxes, evangelizing them and prevent amestizamiento, to preserve as workforce intended for mines and haciendas.
The September 24, 1735 in St. John the Presbyter Lucas Rojas Toribio de
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