1777. Gradually I was abiding by Spanish
families had at first evangelizers, Aldermen, Commissioners, after Puisne
Mayors and Councils and Municipal Councils last, thus constituting
Municipality. The history of the village is sotaquireño evolutionary dynamics
of establishment and development in time and space of an indigenous people in
its territory, which flourished or muisaca Chibcha culture represented in the
Indians' SOTAIRAES "who assimilated enduculturación Spanish culture and
mixed with the mainland, allowing the emergence of meztisaje. Considered a
pre-historic village, initially configured by the biases or divisions of Ocusá,
Timiza and Soconsuca. Sotaquirá belonged to the chieftainship of Tunja or
"Tchunza" Home of the Zaques; preserves the traditions, customs,
rites and aguerosde the natives of the province of Tunja