
History of Santander de Quilichao

(AO) and Gold (CHIC) Bird.

The second proposal on the etymological meaning of quilichao prefers the meaning of "DREAM TIGER" language from NASA Yuwe (Páez), whose roots are (TYICLI) "Tiger" and (CIAO) Dream, as a product of idiopathic degeneration of these two roots came from the word "quilichao", the title of "Dream Tiger" was used by the indigenous Nasa (Paez) to refer to this site, where according to oral tradition, a ritual held in which THE WALA (traditional doctors) coincidentally always dreamed of this feline.

Similarly there are divergent views on whether or not Quilichao had a foundation in the terms and honors protocol, affidavits of a real foundation as was customary in the sixteenth century.

On July 16 of 1755 by agreement of 005 June 1, 2006 the civil birth of Santander de Quilichao institutionalized.