
History of San Vicente del Caguan

ang="EN-US">San Vicente was elevated to the category of town by Decree No. 963 of 14 March 1950, which set the conditions for its administrative and territorial organization. In 1954 the first church built by Bishop opened Torasso Antonio María , Bishop of Florence at the time. Later in the decade of the 1960s was carried out the plan of colonization and more importantly better results when several domestic and foreign institutes livestock programs initiated in Caquetá.

Due to the law and order situation and the need for growth Army , ordered by the Government Resolution No. 1205 of 25 March of 1979 the revival of Battalion No. 36 "Hunters" organic BR-9 and command post in San Vicente. Consequently, the construction of military facilities regiment started. In the year 1984 , the Battalion Hunters body becomes XII Brigade headquartered in the city of Florencia (Caquetá) .

Recent events

From the 80s , he began a new process of colonization of the El Pato - Guayabera - Caño Lost - Caño Gringo, due to exhaustion of land. Farmers in the region went into a process of expanding the frontier of colonization and the towns of San Juan del Losada, San Francisco and San Jose Shadow Caquetania were built.

During the peace process between the years of 1998 and 2002 , San Vicente was the center of the DMZ . Two days after the end of the concession granted to the FARC by President Andrés Pastrana , in rural policy was kidnapped Ingrid Betancourt .