As a result of this excessive persecution occurred in that the inhabitants of the territory that is San Sebastian de Buenavista sought the means to enable it to safeguard their lives, that they did the few survivors as dire impiety, who crossed the waters of Magdalena to remake settlement in what is now Menchiquejo, current township of San Fernando (Bolívar), where there are still descendants of indigenous Chimilas saved because his features and an occasional habit, according to studies by historians.
The January 20, 1748, the conqueror founded the Asturian population, making honors the tradition of combining the Spanish words or saints with indigenous customs and this is how it is given the name of San Sebastian de Menchiquejo, since January 20 corresponded to the saint San Sebastian and Melchiquejo because that was the name of the chief of the Chimilas at the time of its foundation. The Melchiquejo name with the passage of time has become Menchiquejo by inflections and transformations own language. San Sebastian had a second and final founding in 1751 when by the circumstances of life that a letter came from Spain, in theory bound for Santa Ana de Buenavista (also founded by De Mier y Guerra, so named because the population was above rocks that despite erosion centuries persist in this magdalenense town and give a scenic view of beautiful river that runs along its shores), was mistaken in its remission and had as to San Sebastian de Buenavista, being baptized and the
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