The second half of the year is less rich in festivals, perhaps because we still believe that they can not spend the whole time dancing and enjoying themselves because they have to work. This is the period of the crops, the subiendas and winter. The village is preparing for the growing of rivers and to give help to those in need. Here is another feature of San Marcos: The solidarity.La Christmas in our village party announces that it has been talking in recent months. Between us smelling joint carols and wishes of new year have to do with the desire to experience one of the least studied and most intense sensations traditions: the party Corraleja. New Year in San Marcos from Carate Corralejas stands, bullfights, fandango and bands on the street. The whole town comes in the same environment: the atmosphere of a party which will end one year and begin another, asking the Almighty to give us a year full of music, food and much, much enjoyment.
San Marcos is known in the Colombian art world as the birthplace of important musicians like Alfonso, Carlos, Jorge, Juan Elvira and Pineapple, descendants of musical patriarch Juan de la Cruz Piña Arrieta. It is also the birthplace of prominent figures as Amalin Escaff of Hazbún (Gold Needle Colombia), the sculptor Jorge Alfonso Janna and tenor Ricardo Arrieta.
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