principal is the primary production
sector, excelling agriculture whose contribution is 42.486% of the productive
He is represented by productive sectors such as sugarcane,
coffee, beans, bananas, cassava, fruit (blackberry, pineapple, passion fruit
and tree tomato) Cane Panelera: Main product contributed 78% to the municipal
agricultural production and 63% in the departmental performance fluctuates
between 10 and 12 tonnes per hectare and per capita consumption of 30 kilos.
This product has a positive change by increasing their
planting area (7500 in 2004-8500 in 2,007). There
are currently 750 establishments producing panela, which generate 10,500
monthly wages to benefit 3,500 families involved in the processing of sugarcane.
Panela production in 2007 was 13,200 tons Café: The planted
area is 2,000 hectares of which 1,317 have are technologically advanced and 683
are traditional crop varieties predominate: Caturra variety Colombia, Castilla
y Typical.
Coffee growing has shown an increase in planted area due to
the expansion of the optimal strip to 2,000 m to achieve soft coffees for
export. Participation in the city's economy has improved as a result
of the good price of grain and the institutional and international support.
Of the 64 villages that make up the town of Isnos coffee is
grown on 51, with a total of 2,353 farms producing. The
union has the Municipal Committee of Coffee Growers of which 1,400 belong
producers are duly cedulas by the National Federation. The
average yield is 16 loads / ha CPS tech coffee