With the construction of the Railroad of Antioquia this town lost some of its power and at one time became a village of Puerto Berrio . However, in 1935 the giant company Cementos del Nare, currently remains standing and progress brought back to this district was established. In 1968 Puerto Nare is definitely erected in town.
The race and ethnicity of indigenous Caribbean was very prosperous and prevailing in Colombian soil when the Spaniards came to conquer the land where today Puerto Nare.
One of the indigenous families on which have accumulated knowledge is good for Tahamíes , within whose numerous tribes Palagua contained a call, one of many ruled by caciques , this time by Chief Naré; This name the name of Puerto Nare explained.
For these aboriginal tribes, the original region of Puerto Nare becomes important because of their wealth, and also the addition of river transport facilities in the region at that time.
Naré, prominent in the history of this population Cacique, was distinguished for his pacifism and his dedication to creatively build homes of their subjects. In fact, San Luis Beltran , evangelizing Spanish in this area, found in the strong popularity of Cacique Naré many obstacles to its work with the Indians.
Beltran almost fatally poisoned by an Indian because of the attempt to put religion Catholic over indigenous beliefs.
Puerto Nare is called, then, in memory of its founder Naré cacique. The
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