place surrounded by a rich swampy set with a variety of
fish species, supplying more than seventy thousand hectares of fertile land
playón; from there came the first settlers being located on the spout Women, on
the opposite shore where today the town of Plato stands to the first settlement
they gave the name of the Indian chief who founded they called him "Plato
Viejo" and it was one of many Indian children Zárate, founder and chief of
the tribes inhabiting this region.
By chance, that who was the first founder of Plato, in the place where it is
today, the Spanish priest Fray Nicomedes de Fonseca and Meza in the year 1626
on December 8, he baptized with the name of Villa Concepcion de la Plata in
honor of the Virgin whose feast is celebrated on that day and the same name as
preserved in its revival by the Spanish conqueror, Fernando de Mier y Guerra,
more than a century after the accident ... it is because today, economy has
simply called PLATO him, and thinking that has surpassed the three centuries of
existence, you can add "old", as they called their first inhabitants
Plato's privileged geographical position: the banks of the Magdalena River, on
the right end of the bridge "Antonio Escobar Camargo", the longest in
the country, linking the departments of Magdalena and Bolivar. Because it
straddles the "Cross Caribbean or Track Containers" road because it
also has the second largest wetland complex in the country and for the peace
and hospitable spirit of its people, has become the hub of events regional. The
story goes that in Plato lived and born people who have marked milestones, here
he spent the night and left a family Spanish General Francisco Vilches and
Dominguez, who was clerk of the Liberator Simon Bolivar during the liberation
campaign and its companion Loves Libertador Elenita Lenua in Tenerife, which
also held the positions of Gran Colombia senator and governor of the