entered an era of true progress. Then, having observed
in 1832, the chapel built by Dr. José Hilario Sierra, for their small size was
insufficient to accommodate all the faithful who attended the sacred
ceremonies, he thought it wider, giving and appearance of a temple of best
proportions, and in order to get permission from his immediate superior to
carry out this work of advancement, addressed an official communication on
March 29 of that year mentioned Dr. Don Salvador Jiménez de Enciso Padilla and
Cobos, Bishop of Popayán , requesting the desired lift on it a temple adobe
amenities and competence for parishioners permission. The license was swift
because that prelate was aware of the importance of the new population. In a
communication dated 12 April of the same year, he was awarded, and immediately
gave start to the work, which was completed shortly. This temple held the same
place where the first chapel was located, and in which years after the present
Church of San Antonio was built; It lasted until 1850 when another chapel was
built on the south side of the square, for having destroyed the first. It was
replaced by a chapel of adobe and tile built on the north side, also from the
main square, which lasted until 1875, being built the Church of San Antonio,
masonry and tile, with reforms consideration is that still exists and is home
to the parish of the same name