
History of Orito

the territory of Caquetá; in 1857 it became part of the federal state of Cauca; in 1905, General Rafael Reyes ordered the creation of the quartermaster of Putumayo; in 1909 he was part of the quartermaster's department of Caqueta and Nariño; in 1912 was created the special police Putumayo, in 1953 he joined the department of Nariño, where he remained until 1957 In 1968, Law 72 created the quartermaster Putumayo officially incorporated in 1969; finally, on July 4, 1991, the National Constituent Assembly created the current department of Putumayo. By the year 1963, several people from around the country, attracted by the wealth it represented the discovery of black gold in the region, and led by Mr. Jacinto and Manuel Losada Loyola, and seconded by Apolinar Bustos, Antonio Alvarez, Jesus Brown, Neftaly Oyola, Guillermo Chamorro, Julio Giron, Antonio Pantoja, Arturo Quiroga and Gregorio Delgado, were given the task of organizing a population, which is the origin of the present town of Orito. The installation in the vicinity of the camps and the oil revenues from the oil industry, allowed the town to grow rapidly be converted into a municipality on July 1, 1979 Municipality of Orito, Putumayo Department, ski area Mount on Amazon, whose boundaries are: North by the Municipality of Villa Garzón, the east with the area vega of the Municipalities of Puerto Asis and Puerto Caicedo, south to the Valley of Guamuez and west with the Department of Nariño and the Republic of Ecuador. The municipality of Orito is located in the south western sector 0ª38 Colombia "north latitude and 16ª37" west of Grenwich latitude with ASNM. 310, average daytime temperature 33ªC and 27ªC at night, annual rainfall of 2500mm. The population of the municipality of Orito as DANE Projection 2008 amounted to 46,194 inhabitants, of which 19,179 live in the county seat and 27,015 in the rest of the territory. It's been drained by the Cauldron, Orito, Yarumo, AEA and