Aboriginal people were sedentary, with a sense of spirituality and dedicated to the development of woolen blankets, agriculture, hunting and fishing. Well managed irrigation system, which allowed them to get rich and abundant harvests. Thanks to the influence of culture Guane, managed to obtain a high degree of development in the technical and social areas.
According to the chroniclers Fray Pedro Simon, Otero and Juan de Castellanos, the Guanes in this region were located within the following boundaries: North of the Golden River, Juan Rodríguez table and guaca river; guaca east of the river, and the river Chicamocha Onzaga river; Lenguaruco south of the river and the river Saravita or Suarez; Suarez west of the river, mountain range and Sogamoso Yariguíes river.
As for the location of the village Onzagueño, oral tradition says that this was first established in Susa, where he moved to its present location (see map: Map Casco Urbano).
Stocking Onzaga: For data obtained in the parish archives and the national archive, it is known that from the colony settlers arrived Onzaga Mogotes Soatá, Tutasá, Sativa, Susacón, Cocuy and San Juan de los Llanos, between others (see map: Migration to Onzaga). It is quite possible that the great fertility of the land, in those days, motivate neighboring villages to move to the land.
Moreover, with the Spanish colonization, reducing the indigenous population generalize and transfer of human groups was performed en masse and by order of the royal crown.
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