• You can also connect to Trenitalia trains in Busto Arsizio FS (also called Busto Arsizio RFI) station. A train (currently replace by bus, see note below) runs every hour, during daytime only, from Malpensa airport to Busto Arsizio FS (also calling at Fermo and Busto Arsizio FNM). and vice versa. First train from Malpensa airport to Busto Arsizio FS at 07:10. Last train from Malpensa airport to Busto Arsizio FS at 20:10.. First train from Busto Arsizio FS to Malpensa airport at 07:39. Last train from Busto Arsizio FS to Malpensa airport at 20:39. The journey takes 14 minutes. For full timetable of this service look at column in blue colour in the full timetable of service by Le Nord between Milano, Malpensa and Novara (this connection is not shown in some shorter timetable). In Busto Arsizio FS station trains from Malpensa Airport arrive at platform "1 tronco" and train to malpensa airport depart from platform "1 tronco" (platform "1 tronco" is not the same as platform 1) . If you want to connect to a train service by Trenitalia (or other operator on the railway line managed by RFI) you will need to change platform. Trains from Milan arrive at platform 4. Trains to Varese (and other Northbound trains) depart from platform 4. Train from Varese (and other Southbound trains) arrive at platform 5. Trains to Milan depart from platform 5.
From 1 July 2010 until unknown date the rail service between Malpensa airport and Busto Arsizio FS is suspended. It is replaced by a bus service which take 38 minutes for the journey. Until the railway service is suspended the total time of the journey is greatly increased and so this route is not advisable.
• From late September 2010 a new train service is being started connecting Milano Centrale to Malpensa terminal 1 directly by train with trains coming from other city in