Eventually, the name "San Juan de Rodas" but that was not the name, and the illusion of having founded conqueror town.
Meanwhile had come from Spain Don Andres de Valdivia by Cartagena , with real officials including the governor. Governor was declared the two rivers province and he did succeed in founding the new city entrusted, (today is the Valley of Toledo) . There he founded to Úbeda after the village where he was born in Spain ). To keep running him reinforcements arrived from Santa Fe de Antioquia .
But the Spanish company in this harshly mistreated the Indians, who were concentrated and planned a deadly ambush in retaliation to the Iberians in what is now known as the massacre (near the Valley of Toledo ). There, on 15 October 1574 , the governor killedValdivia and his party chief's hands Guarcama Nutabes and his warriors. Valdivia was killed by a blow with a heavy hammer that shattered his skull, next to the Indian who acted as interpreter. The few of his men who escaped returned to Santa Fe de Antioquiaand placed under the protection of Don Gaspar de Rodas .
Don Gaspar de Rodas returned to Guarcama Valley where the natives pretending friendship, then severely punished, including theCacique Guarcama whom he killed in punishment for the death of Valdivia and his men.
Don Gaspar de Rodas take place later other foundations in Antioquia and die peacefully surrounded by his family, but always with the nostalgia of not
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