Already for the 1990s , by the influence of the U.S. economy and globalization policy that foreign investment brings large capital private level and the monopoly of public services for their capital, the Ecuadorian currency enters auger domain and losing purchasing power against a devaluation against the dollar and against the weight disadvantage total, forcing Ecuador to dollarized economy, leading to the sudden change of the common market relations Colombian-Ecuadorian, disrupting relations market and therefore high percentage has decreased the exchange of products and has hurt our small businesses and families that were supplied with food and belongings of Ecuador.
The local market square is from ancient times on Sunday, the day on which they move villagers and farmers to buy and sell their products for consumption by the working week, this takes place in the call SANTAFE PLAZA. This day is an encounter between farmers and their families in the village, which strengthens the bonds of friendship among all, this space has a vast plot of land suitable for the municipal administration department with input from the stalls and area download and restrooms, so called current Municipal Gallery.
This place was the sports arena for football practice and bolo criollo, but this continues to be available the first of the land where stands the municipal stadium "Pedro Leon
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