According Tulio Enrique Tascon: You can say that in 1539 when Pizarro Cali stated limits, there was no city that carry the name of Buga, is well known from the early days of the Conquest, with the name of the Buga Valley plains that bathes the Cauca and the band left the East River, perhaps the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro wanted to talk about Buga designate by this name the nation or the Pijaos saw.
The word is originally Buga Caribbean and to be found in the Isthmus of Panama in the name of a town BUGABA which means "place of the spear". Finally Guadalajara de Buga was the name given to the Spanish city founded in the Cordillera Central by order of the governor of Popayan, Don Luis de Guzman, and in memory of this country, it was Guadalajara in Spain. Then when Governor Don Alvaro de Mendoza Carvajal moved the city to Valle del Cauca, the Guadalajara called the Victoria, but prevailed Buga name.
The stories about the name of Buga to conclude that Hispanic communities that inhabited this province had different names and the name of Buga, product allocation is that the Spanish had destroyed the tribes and submitted in the company of conquest.
The geographic dispersion area of this province as Rodriguez C, occupying 10,000km², the southern boundary must have been the river since at Palmira Amaime appears typical
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