
History of Gramalote

and weapons from Venezuela to their cause. The liberal army arrived at the department is now Santander of Cucuta direction. The population of the region ended up taking part, first ideologically and then, inevitably, also weapons, mainly conservative camp side.Gramaloteros Many lost their lives in one of the two major battles of the war, the Battle of Peralonso , which developed in the Laja Bridge 15 andDecember 16 of 1889 , in the municipality of Santiago.

This victorious battle left the Liberals, at the head of whom was Rafael Uribe Uribe , known then as "The hero of Peralonso" against an army divided conservative nationalist and historical. Documents left by government forces show that the Liberal victory in the Peralonso not due to the combat capability but their commander, Vincent Villamizar , had orders to let the liberal army to prolong the war and use this as an excuse to issue more paper money legal tender.
