Florence was founded on December 25 of 1902 by the Capuchin friar, Padre Doroteo of Pupiales ( 1876 - 1959 ) was born in the town of Pupiales , Nariño , also known as José Rubén Vallejo before being ordained. The village grew out of a wine tappers located along the creek Partridge .
In "mission report" to their ecclesiastical superiors of Doroteo Fray Pupiales described his visit to The Partridge and the founding of Florence
"On December 3, I landed on The Partridge agency company Pizarro. Partridge is a place on purpose to found a village, fertile land, water is abundant, breeding livestock of all kinds, there participates in cold and temperate climates, also warm. Mr. Pedro Pizarro and his associates found much bent on a temple there. Di everything necessary for that purpose, and there is much determined to build his house on the condition that the missionaries put people there a residence there. It was the space of twenty years no priest had trod this earth, so that people received great satisfaction in knowing that I was going to visit.
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