Cumbitara historically been considered high potential mining gold and
especially among the paths that have mining potential are: La Esperanza, Cristo
Rey, El Balso, Sidon, Yanazara, Good view and Herradura, are currently active
mines The Hope, La Joya and La Perla, other mines are inactive mainly because
of the frequent winter, the difficult achievement of explosives since people
are used to grow illegal, for his great performance.
This sector has other shortcomings in the implementation of appropriate and
efficient for the profitable operation and training on mineral extraction
processes, so that no negative effects on the environment generated techniques.
It is mainly characterized by the establishment of commercial small local food
and grocery, counting 16 in urban areas and 21 in rural areas; There are also 3
pharmacies, 7 restaurants, 3 nightclubs, 3 pool tables, 2 beauty centers, a
transport company and a gas station
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