So, as the June 24, 1607, at dawn, Hato Miller left to stop after half a day's
journey before an immense swamp surrounded by secular trees, the joy was
justified as one of the settlers, using his skills as a sculptor, recorded in
the trunk of a tree Caimito picture of San Juan Bautista; being and their
founders to be called this city of San Juan Bautista Caimito.
Among the descendants of the early settlers and the advance of Heredia, who
inhabited the town, it should be noted families and Avilés Abreu and Manuel and
Santiago Arráez brothers who encouraged in this land cultivation and livestock,
leading to the traditional livestock vocation of the region, for which no
evidence left of regal colonial mansions, and other vestiges of the colony,
only the language, religion and certain folk customs
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