
History of Caicedonia

who descended directly from the Chibcha great nation, per line of Pijaos whose life passed without any rule more or unless preset to indicate characteristics of building a pre-Columbian civilization.

The most outstanding of these indigenous tribe was Bulira or Burila, pijaos members whose domains had been located in the Central Cordillera and adjacent regions and constituted an advanced westward.

For his ferocity was feared and its members they had as main occupation is war , which became his favorite pastime to constantly harass your neighbors, Journals and Quimbayas . The main feature of the Buliras or chisels, was the cannibalism , then to kill their adversaries, ate their flesh. Besides the consumption of human flesh, this tribe is also fed corn, beans, cassava , squash and wild animals, farmed products occasionally, or steal his enemies.

The tribe had Burila outstanding leaders, but the bravest of all, as the most cruel and bloodthirsty , he was the chief Chanama. Feared by his enemies and obeyed by all his people, unleashed against the Spanish conquerors the bloodiest war. Today he pays homage to this great chief with a monument in the park or Las Palmas and Daniel Gutierrez Arango.

The first settlers arrived in the territory of Caicedonia came, most municipalities Guatapé , San Rafael, San Roque and not a few of Medellín . Initially established in the plan called Cuba, since its topography they offered them favorable terms to raise a village.

Unfortunately there is no accurate data on the date on which these settlers arrived to Cuba, but believes it was mainly in the years from 1903 to 1906. Additional settlers arrived from Cuba plan Armenia ( Quindio and Antioquia
