
History of Aranzazu

fluence with the river Tapias, is down to the mouth of the river Cauca, it comes down to where the creek Luisa, following it to its source and hence to Range of Dog; straightness by it in the creek grinder, is down to its confluence in Chambery, for up until this point has been cited as the first boundary ".

In the third article of the Act provides that the Governor of the province is responsible for paving the disadvantages in choosing employees. Appears signed in Rionegro on November 9 of 1853 . As can be seen, the decree is brief. You do not specify who your authorities. The text is limited to simply establish boundaries, nothing more. The decree has legal effect from January 1, 1854. It is on this date, then, when you start the administrative life of the municipality. That day take up their positions early authorities, appointed by the Governor of the province from a list put to it by the founders.
