In 1795 a gentleman Andrés López was commissioned by the then Governor of the Province to which, accompanied by some politicians, scour the mountains that form the river side of Herradura, and amojonaron and evaluated those lands. The region at the time, was valued at fifty castellanos of gold.
In 1827 , the last Independence whose news should reach these latitudes as far off rumor of heroes, neighbors Abriaquí ecclesiastical authorities requested the erection of a chapel. The Jimenez illustrious bishop of Antioch at the time, granted the above, but the civil authority revoked the authorization. Only years later, in 1931 , the priests agreed to the erection of the chapel.
Only 29 April 1912 Abriaquí district regained its quality, as Ordinance No. 17 of the same year. Deeply discussed what should be the name of the municipality. Some said Mallarino, other than Santa Cruz, but
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