imposed, trafficking for use as human merchandise (in different periods of slave raids), the arrival of the aircraft and the consequent massive foreign visit, have made the island was incorporated into their original expressions, sounds and compositional structures of outsiders, and the result of this process, which merged the artistic and cultural evidence clearly each historical stage as a kind of popular memory.
In this way, the music of the island, now is a synthesis of world music, which she passed, remaining until today, camouflaged in their songs. These, being the tool purest oral transmission, count and sing, line by line, all the facts in this particular place, happened.
The Rapanui music speaks for itself and shares from the simplest sincerity, their historical pain, their dreams, their traditions.
Currently, there is a twenty artists musicians, who, as soloists or folk or fusion bands, and also show their art in the Marketplace of spreading it through musical productions audio recorded on CD and DVD , produced in the same island.
Great engine of this phenomenon is the existence since 2002, the first and only studio that belongs to the local Cultural Production and Management Nuku Mango you .
In addition, there is the continued commitment of the Radio Manukena, to spread over the entire spectrum of international music available, Rapanui existing material that has been recorded since the late 60s to the present day with over 80 existing musical productions.
There are many natives of the island groups that sing in rapa nui, such as matatoa or group Kari Kari, who make shows aimed at tourists, which also show the typical dances of Rapa Nui