Kampong Cham features road links with most major Cambodian cities, including Phnom Penh. The highway between Kampong Cham city and the capital Phnom Penh runs along the Mekong, and buses frequent this route daily, so you should have no trouble getting between the two cities.
The National Highway 7 from Kampong Cham to Skun is in excellent condition and one of the best in Cambodia. Shortly after Skun however, the quality changes dramatically with frequent potholes and sometimes not even paved anymore. There is also a new alternative route to Phnom Penh east of the Mekong.
When travelling to/from Siem Reap, it may be worth taking the way via Skun too due to the better quality of the road instead of the road 71 shortcut.
To get from Phnom Penh to Kampong Cham, there are several options for buses. The standard rules for bussing apply here, and try taking as early a bus as possible, to avoid arriving close to or after dusk, where your choice of accommodation will be limited.
Most Minibuses and other non-Bus transports leave from or stop for a short time at the petrol station or just on the roadside of Highway 7 close to the Mekong bridge roundabout
Taxis are a less popular and more expensive method, costing about $10-$15 USD one way. These do, however, offer much more comfort and speed than a bus usually does, but make sure the vehicle's air conditioning is functional before getting in!
Trucks are also an option, but with much less comfort than buses or taxis, and are not advised.
Beware that boat services may have been discontinued completely.
As for all of Cambodia, there used to be also two types of boats in Kampong Cham: the slow boats and the fast boats. The slow boats are