Capital of Santa Catarina Province opening a prosperity period with many urban works and also with an intense political organization.
Regional elites not happy with the government centralization deflagrated Revolta Federalista (Federalist Revolt) at the beginning of the Brazilian Republic. The movement that started in Rio Grande do Sul spread to Santa Catarina and turned Desterro into the Federalist Capital of the Republic. The then president of Brazil, Marechal Floriano Peixoto, known as Iron Marshal, contained the rebellion and ordered the shooting of many people who were considered enemies of the state, in the Anhatomirim Island Fortress. Possibly to show loyalty to the marshal, 1893 saw the change of the state capital's name: from Desterro to Florianopolis, that is to say, city of Floriano.
Today, though, the name Florianopolis has almost lost its association with the Marshall. In Florianopolis, the modern joins to the historical and both formed an alliance with the preserved nature composing full scenery of emotion and harmony