
Culture of Graz

During 2003 Graz held the title of "European Capital of Culture" and is (as of 2011) one of the UNESCO "Cities of Design."


The most important museums in Graz are:

•    Schloss Eggenberg (Graz) with Alte Galerie (paintings and sculptures from the Romanesque to the end of the Baroque period), Coin Collection, Lapidarium (Roman stonework collection),Archeological Museum (featuring the Cult Wagon of Strettweg) a special exhibitions area and the 90,000 m romantic landscape gardens.

•    Museum im Palais museum of Styrian cultural history from the Middle Ages to the present

•    Neue Galerie visual arts from the 19th and 20th centuries.

•    Natural History Museum exhibition of botany, mineralogy and zoology.

•    Stadtmuseum Graz city museum.

•    Grazer Kunsthaus exhibition hall of contemporary art.

•    Forum Stadtpark museum of contemporary art.

•    Camera Austria museum of contemporary photography.

•    Landeszeughaus medieval armory comprising 32,000 pieces of armour and weaponry, largest of its kind in the world.

•    Volkskundemuseum museum of folk culture and lore.

•    Diözesanmuseum museum of the Roman Catholic Church.

•    Künstlerhaus exhibition hall of contemporary visual arts.

•    Literaturhaus museum of contemporary German literature.

•    Museum der Wahrnehmung museum of the senses, samadhi bath.

•    Kindermuseum Frida&Fred museum for children.

•    Tramwaymuseum 40 historic trams, the oldest dating from 1873.

•    Kriminalmuseum museum of criminology.

•    Luftfahrtmuseum (Graz airport)