
History of Dilijan

favourite forest for the Arsacid kings to show their abilities in hunting. It is known that a settlement called Bujur Dili was founded in the 13th century, not far away from the current area of Dilijan town.In the 10-13th centuries the monastery complex Haghartsin Monastery and Goshavank has been built and they are ranked highly in Armenian architectural art of the Middle Age. The complexes mentioned have already served as cultural centers. The other important architectural buildings of that period are Jukhtak Vank and Matosavank. In 1666,the name Dilijan was first mentioned in the notes of the French traveller Jean Chardin. Starting from 1801, under the Russian rule, the town witnessed a major growth in its population. In our time auspicious conditions for the cultural life development have appeared in the end of the 19th and in the early 20th century. It has been connected with economy liveliness. In 1868 the first school was open (now it is the secondary school N 1). Later on a school was open at village Poghoskilisa (Shamakhyan ward). The first library was open in 1908 (now its’ the library named after Gh. Aghayan). In the end of the 19th century the amateur dramatic groups have been organized. In the second half of the 19th century Dilijan’s fame as of a resort centre has grew and leisure places appeared here. There were clubs in 1896-98-s, later the famous Rotonda had been built (“domelike building”- translation from French). This theatre in the open air had become the most favorite place of both Dilijanians, Russian hot based in town and all the intellectuals of Transcaucasia. Rotonda had already functioned in 1900 and it had kept its existence till 1936. Here the prominent masters of scenic art such as H.Abelian, Vahram Papazian , A.Hrachian and others had played. Both a number of other timber buildings and Rotonda had not remained because of landslide natural phenomenon extended widely in Dilijan. In the period