Tinaquillo, city state Cojedes in Venezuela , capital of the municipality Tinaquillo, founded under the name of Our Lady Help of Tinaquillo its foundation is discussed even today by historians of the town, as its called "Gathering of People" April 25 gave the year 1760 , so this data is taken as the date of its foundation. It currently has a population of 108,000 inhabitants (2011). Geographically it is located on a plateau on the banks of the river Tamanaco, 420 meters above sea level. Access to the road network that connects it to Valencia and Tinaco.
The city is heavily influenced by the proximity of the city of Valencia and being in the path of the highway, 005 backbone linking the former with the rest of Cojedes state , resulting in a huge and rapidly growing residential and industrial to located there, and complex industries in areas such as textiles and farm products in large commercial and banking and Tourist Activities and minerals constituting an industrial area.
The Hospital was founded in the year 1937 by Dr. Jos� Rafael Rotondaro , installing it in a house donated by Mrs. Joaquina de Rotondaro, his mother, which is why in his honor was baptized with the name: Joaquina de Rotondaro , with which currently exists.
Even the economic boom of the city has been in decline due to the unwise actions of government agencies and the economic crisis that affected Venezuela in previous years it is still a peaceful place to live