
Education in Jordan

-Tawjihi applicants.

Higher education

Access to higher education is open to holders of the General Secondary Education Certificate or Tawjihi who can then apply to universities or community colleges. However, admission to public universities in Jordan is very competitive. The kingdom has 10 public and 16 private universities, in addition to some 54 community colleges, of which 14 are public, 24 private and others affiliated with the Jordan Armed Forces, the Civil Defence Department, the ministry of health and UNRWA. The first university established in the kingdom was the University of Jordan. A United Nations-supported research nuclear reactor and a synchrotron-light scientific facility (SESAME) are currently being built on campus of Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Hashemite University to establish the first nuclear facilities for academic research in the kingdom. All post-secondary education is the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

In addition, Jordan is also a home for of foreign universities campuses such as NYIT, DePaul University, Columbia University, German-Jordanian University, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and the American University of Madaba. George Washington University is also planning to establish a medical university in Jordan as well, with plans to make it a regional hub for the training of medical personnel in the Middle East and North Africa