The origin of the name Osnabr�ck is disputed. The suffix -br�ck suggests a bridge over or to something (from German Br�cke = bridge) but the prefix Osna- is explained in at least two different ways: the traditional explanation is that today's name is a corruption of Ochsenbr�cke (meaning "ox' bridge") but others say that it is derived from the name of the Hase River which again is argued to be derived from Asen (�sir), giving Osnabr�ck the meaning Bridge to the Gods. The pronunciation of the city's name can also serve as a means of telling if one is a native of Osnabr�ck or a visitor: most people from Osnabr�ck stress the last syllable while most people from elsewhere stress the first one. The city gave name to the textile fabric of Osnaburg (remember: "-burg" means castle and, in names, town)