Svendborg is a town on the island of Funen in south-central Denmark.
In 2000 Svendborg was declared "Town of the year" in Denmark, and in 2003 celebrated its 750th anniversary as a market town.
Svendborg is also home to the “Naturama” museum, which has exhibitions of all kinds of stuffed animals e.g. birds and bears.
The largest container ship company in the world, A.P. Møller-Mærsk has its origins in Svendborg, in the "Villa Anna". Until his recent death, 16 April 2012 (aged 98) in Copenhagen, Denmark, the company remained in the hands of Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller.
German writer Bertolt Brecht spent the first years of his exile from Nazi Germany in Svendborg. The town also gave the title of a collection of Brecht's poems "Svendborger Gedichte" (Svendborg Poems)