
About Stara Novalja

Stara Novalja is a village in the cove of the same name in the north-eastern part of the island of Pag, 5 kilometers north of Novalja in Croatia. The Economy is based on farming, wine culture, fishing and tourism.

The cove of Stara Novalja is the submerged part of the "Pasko-Dinjiska" valley. The safest dock for larger ships is located south of the cove called "Drljanda", where the depth reaches 27�38 meters. Smaller ships and yachts drawing up to 3.5 meters are docked along the external part of the jointed pier (in front of the village).

Since the ferry harbor was relocated to "Zigljen" (except in some extraordinary weather conditions), Stara Novalja has become a quiet place which offers accommodation facilities in private homes, as well as lodging and boarding services. As such it is preferred by families. The major event is the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul (29 June).